Buyer Information Property Address PurchasingName of Real Estate AgentBuyer(s) Marital StatusSingleMarriedDivorcedWidow(er)SeparatedFull Legal Name of Buyer(s) and Non-Borrowing Spouse(s) *Buyer(s) Email *Buyer(s) EmailBuyer(s) Phone *Buyer(s) PhoneWould you like The McCall Law Firm to order a survey for the property? *YesNoA survey on less than one acre in Wake County will cost approximately $500.00. The cost may increase for larger tracts of land, properties outside of Wake County or if complicating issues arise. By clicking yes, you acknowledge that you will be responsible for paying for the survey even if the transaction does not close.Acknowledgement *If buyer is married and spouse is not a borrower, he or she still must attend closing and bring TWO forms of photo id. If borrower of even spouse will not be attending closing please contact us immediately to make arrangements for a power of attorney to be drafted, as the lender must approve prior to closing. Non-borrowing spouses must sign certain forms for the lender even when not on the loan.*** WE REQUIRE CERTIFIED FUNDS OR WIRE ONLY. CERTIFIED CHECKS MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO "THE MCCALL LAW FIRM Attorney Trust Account." WIRES MUST REFERENCE BUYER'S LAST NAME OR PROPERTY ADDRESS. Apologies, money orders and cash cannot be accepted. Thank you.Additional Comment/Instructions/Questions/ConcernsSubmit